Friday, March 06, 2009

Mandy And Brown Come Over All Green

The deluded prime minister and his despised deputy have come over all green, with Mandy getting a dollop of green custard and Brown talking hot air about green jobs for green people. 


Has Obama Snubbed Brown For The Queen?

Obama has finally agreed to grace this country with his presence but only after he was promised a cup of tea and a chat with the Queen, leaving Brown a back-stage bit-player. Brown or Her Maj? A hard call. There's something fishy about the whole thing. 


Thursday, March 05, 2009

Printing Money Is A Bad Roll Of The Dice

The government is pinning its hopes on a last, bad roll of the dice to dig itself out of its economic hell-hole, as the Bank of England starts the dangerous and disreputable gamble of 'printing money'. Spun as 'a good thing', this is a short term fix to get the government over the hill of the next election. The wheelbarrow of cash is teetering on a slippery slope. 


How Long Will Brown Stay In Blighty?

Brown Force One had hardly touched the tarmac before Downing Street was plotting the next prime ministerial far away-day jolly. Anyone would think he's trying to escape.  


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Hattie's Flop In Carry On Up The Commons

Brown back-stabber Harman's blundering has blown any chance of her leadership out of the water after telling a barefaced lie to parliament and getting a pummelling from both Thatcher boy Hague and Cable the economic oracle. 


Gordon Doesn't Get It

Brown is set to deliver his 'carpe diem' speech of a lifetime to a joint Congress but no-one is listening. An icy wind is blowing across the US political landscape with questions about Obama's policies while his popularity remains at an all-time high. 


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

What Will Brown Stick In His Family Album?

Downing Street aides have been rushing around like blue-arsed flies trying to spin away the president's snub to Brown's hyped-up tour. But Obama has enough on his plate without having to pose at a podium all statesman-like with a loser. 


Monday, March 02, 2009

Brown's Audacity of Hype DC Tour

The media is being whipped up into a frenzy over Brown's state visit to Washington. But apart from new pictures for the Downing Street album, Brown's Audacity of Hype tour may turn into a damp squib.