Blue is green, red is dead, time for an orange party instead
"At some stage a British politician may well discover a new language of public discourse and methodology of political engagement which communicates simply and plainly to voters." Oborne
Quangoland and Big government. Squandering taxpayer's billions. Stuffing quangos with lackeys. Common Purpose. Rise of consultants and wonks. Ripping the public to pay for Olympics. £12.7bn NHS computer waste. Privatisation and NHS cuts. Increasing gap between rich & poor.
Home Truths
Bigotgate. Home office 'not fit for purpose'. A tick-box PC culture. Binge drinking, licensing laws. 'Respect' agenda, knives and gangs.Big Brother surveillance. Fiddling crime stats. Unchecked immigration. ID cards. & attacks on civil liberties. Encouraging gullible to gamble. Prescott and the super casino. Dome fiasco. Greengate scandal. Blunkett's fall from grace. False 'Britishness'. Killing off pubs and Post Offices
Sleaze and Scandals
Ecclestone scandal. Blair's dodgy finance dealings. Cash for Honours. Smeargate. Mandelson's rise & fall & rise. Campbelll & the spin doctors. Ministers' second homes scam. Erminegate Sleaze. New Labour croneyism. Ex-ministers pimping for lobby firms. Levy pimping peerages to slushfund. BAE inquiry blocked by cronies. Pandering to the Saudis. Arms sales to Saudi terrorists. Lobbygate. Rigged postal votes