Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Shaky Cease-Fire In Gaza

Israel's unilateral Gaza cease-fire has thrown the ball firmly back in the Hamas court, with a warning that Israel will reserve the right to return fire, if Hamas continues to fire rockets into the South.


BBC's Gaza Bias Mocked In Israel

The BBC's endless diet of pro-Hamas bias hasn't gone unnoticed in Israel, with the popular Israeli comedy show 'Eretz Nehederet' (A wonderful country) delighting viewers with its satire of the corporation's Gaza coverage. 


Friday, January 16, 2009

Forced To Live With Useless Trident

Ex-generals have branded the Trident missile system completely useless and the £20 billion replacing it a waste of money, particularly with the economic crisis. That won't make a blind bit of difference but two cheers for trying.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Heathrow Runway Will Never Take Off

Disheartened Heathrow opponents can take heart from the mass of opposition against the £9 billion third runway, as a pig-headed government, bent on getting its own way, bulldozes through the sop to its big businesses pals with a powerful Heathrow lobby pushing behind the scenes. 


Headless Chickens Leave Voters Cold

Ministers are floundering around sending out a staggering array of mixed messages to capture headlines and bewitch voters. But running around like headless chickens leaves voters bothered and bewildered. 


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

End This PC World Madness

In a front page worthy of a Private Eye cover, the Sun has neatly captured the politically-correct mad world we live in, with Prince Charles and his polo pal trading 'insults'. 


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Showtime For Obama!

Obama's Big Show, otherwise known as the presidential inauguration celebration (Sunday), is shaping up to be the biggest production this side of the Academy Awards, dwarfing the Superstar's anointment at the Mile High stadium in August. As ordinary folk flounder in economic recession depression, the president-elect hasn't lost any of his old showmanship. 


Brown's Jobs Sham Raises False Hopes

Government ministers, who've never had a proper job, have gone into jobs overload, raising false hopes with the sham of jobs to dig themselves out of a hole, as the economy crumbles round their ears. 


Monday, January 12, 2009

Well-Stuffed MPs Return To Palace Of Plenty

Well-fed MPs drift back to Parliament today after a record-breaking 24-day festive holiday at the taxpayer expense, as people suffer the worst slump for nigh on 30 years. Meanwhile home secretary, Jacqui Smith, has a lot of explaining to do about her bogus figures.