Friday, January 08, 2010

Hattie's Driving Me Crazy

Wannabe New Labour leader, Hattie Harman, goes down as the first cabinet minister with a criminal record, after being convicted of careless driving. But Hattie got off lightly, after charges of using a mobile were mysteriously dropped.


Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Back Him Or Sack Him

Beleaguered Brown's leadership is on the line with two ex-cabinet ministers calling on their MPs to back him or sack him. But will a secret ballot sort out the struggling Supreme Leader "once and for all"?


Immigration Still Too Hot To Handle

The political hot potato of immigration is set to be sidelined once again. Instead political parties prefer to burying heads in the sand and ignore one of the key issues on which voters want answers and clear solutions.


Monday, January 04, 2010

New Year, New Decade, New Government

Election weary voters face months of petty party posturing with Bottling Brown clinging on until the bitter end. The electorate is being forced to suffer months of meaningless drivel as Downing Street tries to brownbeat the public into submission.