Wendy Alexander's announcement to quit as Scottish Labour Party leader over illegal campaign donations just isn't good enough. She should be drummed out of the Party.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Blatant Brown Bias At The BBC
New Labour's BBC lapdogs got themselves into a right political pickle over how to handle Brown's first year as PM and the humiliating Henley result. What did they come up with to mark the event? A small poll of Labour Party faithful and a free puff for Team Brown.
EU, You're Driving Me Crazy
Former French president, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, has let 'le cat out of le bag' and confirmed that any referendum on a new EU Treaty/Constitution will be ignored and the new Treaty is a deliberate and confusing mix of Euro-gobbledegook.
EU Referendum,
A Very Unhappy Non-Birthday, Gordon
Brown's achieved a lot in his first year in office. He's managed to become the most unpopular politician in history, bottle a general election, alienate the country with the 10p tax fiasco, ride rough-shod over our civil liberties, sell our soul to an EU superstate and lose a couple of computer discs. Not bad going.
New Labour
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Alexander's This Time Banned
When Scottish Labour Party leader, Wendy Alexander, famously cried out: 'Bring it on', a one-day ban from the Scottish parliament probably wasn't what she had in mind. Alexander, was referring to a referendum on Scottish Independence when she uttered the infamous remarks, which didn't go down well in the Scottish Labour Party or at Westminster.
Abrahams? Never Heard of Him, Gov
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Green Gordon Is Still Brown
Brown doesn't do green. He does deals with his pals in big business. So his 'green' speech at a low carbon economy summit today, probably went down well with greedy business. You can read it here if you must! Green is just the new Brown.
Balls and Cooper's Lame Excuse
Cabinet couple, Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper, may insist they have acted with the rules over their parliamentary housing allowances, but that's not the point. This is public money. They are elected and accountable. You don't expect cheap accounting tricks from senior members of the government.
Heathrow Expansion Just Got Easier
A third runway at Heathrow is back on the cards, after MPs voted for a new unelected and unaccountable quango to push through the expansion plans and New Labour's other pet projects.
New Labour,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Missing Disc Report Damns Brown And Darling
Brown and Darling were quick to point the finger of blame at an overworked and underpaid junior in the Tax Office, when two child benefit discs with highly personal details of 25m people went missing last autumn. Now three reports highlight the real culprits - Brown and Darling.
Over Stretched And Over There
Our most senior military chief, Air Chief Marshall Sir Jock Stirrup is stating the bleedin' obvious when he says we can't fight a war on two fronts. Of course we can't. We are over stretched and over there. But try telling that to the politicians.
Planning A Bad Brown Day?
With a mixture of smug arrogance and self-destruction, Brown and his New Labour clique are set to face down the country again, this time over planning.
New Labour,
Biofuels, The Greedy Green Gold Rush
The green gold rush to develop biofuels has played a "significant" part in the dramatic rise in global food prices, which has left millions without enough to eat, according to an Oxfam report today. But the government isn't listening nor will it heed a government report due out later this week.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Students Left One Degree Under
Overseas students are being used to prop up our cash-strapped universities and offered 'rotten' degrees for their efforts, according to the university quality watchdog. Students are paying a high price for years of study and a worthless bit of paper to take back home with them.
overseas students,
Boris Bashing At The BBC
The BBC's On-line News 'Boris-bashing' knows no bounds. It's almost as if someone working there doesn't like the man. Or someone is pulling their strings.
Boris Johnson,
Monday, June 23, 2008
Move Over Darling?
Crystal Balls or the chance to use a gift of a headline? There's something afoot in the world of Brown politics. Good old Nick Robinson, from the BBC (bless), asks if a new economic direction needs a new chancellor in a fight-back and reshuffle.
42 Day,
New Labour,
Northern Rock
Dumbed Down Diplomas
Industry chiefs are telling the New Labour government what many have been saying for ages - the new Diplomas to replace academic GCSEs and A-levels aren't worth the paper they're written on. Dumbing down just go dumber.
Eco-Lies, Deceit And Spin
The lies, deceit and spin of Brown's government is set to be exposed this week showing the pathetic way they have tried to pull the wool over our eyes with so-called 'eco-towns' and ride rough-shod over democracy with the trickery of new planning laws aimed at pushing through pet projects.
New Labour,
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Let The Train Take The Strain
British Rail's old catchy slogan, 'Let The Train Take The Strain', worked and, despite years of neglect and under investment, so did the trains. A high speed rail network is a viable solution now, if only the government could wrench itself away from the powerful road and airline lobbies.
Network Rail,
New Labour
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