Saturday, March 27, 2010

Why Would Anyone Believe Porkie Brown?

Porkie Brown's vague election 'pledges' have a shallow, hollow ring to them. The latest in a long line of lies. But even after 13 long years of disaster and failure, some seem happy to go along with fingers in their ears.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Policing Spinners Caught With Pants Down

Government 'good news' spinners have been caught with their propaganda pants down, forced to pull a misleading policing puff after advertising watchdogs banned blatant bullshit over bobbies on the beat. All part of a pre-election spending splurge at the taxpayers' expense.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Deceitful Darling's Budget Bunkum Debunked

Desperate Darling has been touting around his debt for hire as much of the media saw through the sham of a fantasy election manifesto dressed up as 'Budget Day', debunking Deceitful Darling's budget bunkum.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fake Budget Farce For Failed Economy

The farce of a fake budget for a failed economy is set to be foisted on wised-up voters from a fag-end government. Dreadful Darling is trying to fool voters with a pre-election manifesto of Brown sauce dressed up as 'Budget Day'. A cunning plan to conjure up a budget sham of spin, fiddles and fudge.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Auntie Serves Up Lashings Of Brown Sauce

Dear old Auntie has been finding it all hard going as the lobbygate shit hit the fan fingering New Labour ex-ministers in the thick of it. Grovelling around to find anything to knock it off top spot and serving up lashings of Brown sauce.


Dirt Dished On Dirty Lobbying Secret

Dispatches dished the dirt on dirty lobbying secrets. The stench of sleaze fills the House of Shame. No surprise to voters with eyes open to a greasy, greed-driven Westminster world.