The Haiti earthquake disaster is being used as a cover for a backdoor US invasion. Leftie Latin America has accused their US foes of tightening their grip on the disaster stricken country "over the bodies and tears of its people". What could the US possibly want with dirt poor Haiti?
From the ground it certainly looks like an invasion as the dust settles on quake hit Haiti.
Embedded broadcast news reporters from the safe confines of the secure airport seemed more interested in becoming the centre of miracle rescues with occasional escorted forages adding to disaster porn. Meanwhile a vast US presence was building up all around them.

The Orange Party's suspicions were roused when the US seized control of the airport, an aircraft carrier appeared on the horizon and US forces dropped in on the debris to seize the presidential palace.
Mission accomplished for three strategic objectives of any invasion.
Now US foes in Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua all claim Washington was using the international relief operation as cover for a military takeover.
Dirt poor Haiti is a barren, brown country stripped of its forests for fuel, in stark contrast to the rich tourist playgrounds of lush green neighbouring Dominican Republic.
Revolt and revolution are always in the air in one of the poorest countries on the planet.
The US has history on Haiti, propping up the repressive regimes of Papa Doc and Baby Doc to rid the country of 'reds under the bed'.
At stake is US paranoia over a creeping leftie menace lurking in the underbelly. Anti-US Latin American countries along with their Cuban caribbean cousin describe themselves as "the axis of good".
What can Haiti possibly have that the US wants so desperately? The same as in Afghanistan and Iraq - Big Oil. A country ripe for the picking to prop up the US Empire and a buffer against creeping 'communism' as a bonus.

Rejecting accusations that its massive military deployment was an "occupation", the US claims it is a response to a request from Haiti's invisible president Preval.
Some 11,000 US military personnel have been deployed and another 4,000 were due to arrive today. Among them infamous Blackhawk helicopters and elite troops of the US airborne division, along with more warships and coast guard vessels, bearing the hallmarks of USSOCOM special operations command.
The US administration has always shown a keen and often over zealous interest in Haiti. So close to the US and a strategic location in the Caribbean. But until the 'invasion' the nearest US military base was a stone's throw away but across the water at the disgrace of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

In 2004 US marines were ordered in to control the capital following a presidential coup. All too reminiscent of the 1995 US-led intervention, 'Operation Uphold Democracy', designed to overthrow the elected government.
The US has a nasty habit of using its massed might of military missions dressed up as 'peace-keeping' and 'nation-building' with the deployment of 'US led multinational forces'.
Venezuelan president Chavez reckons "the empire is taking hold of Haiti over the bodies and tears of its people ... They brazenly occupied Haiti without consulting the UN or the Organization of American States."
Bolivia's Morales said he would request an emergency UN meeting "to repudiate and reject this military occupation of the US".
Castro's Cuba has already pledged to do everything it can to help its "sister island" in the Caribbean. Cuba has had hundreds of doctors, nurses and medical staff in the country for years.
Haiti was always a political, social and geographic disaster waiting to happen. The last thing the US wants is another country on its doorstep falling to an anti-US 'commie menace'.

Meanwhile as the death toll mounts to 110,000, the grim search for survivors is over, says the UN, with a meagre 132 people rescued from the rubble since the earthquake struck a staggering 11 days ago.
What is left is the circus of a stymied aid effort, desperate people struck down with disease, famine and the grief of lost loved ones - and once again a vast occupation force of US troops and military hardware.
Top picture: US Enters Haiti - Time cover 1994
Mid pictures: US airborne division at the presidential palace and main entrance of the general hospital 2010. US marines in Port-au-Prince 2004
Bottom picture: Makeshift sign pleading for help from US marines 2010
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