Thursday, April 02, 2009

Brown Faces Piles Of Trials With Smiles

The G20 charade is going to be a huge success and the brow-beaten public better get used to it. The big media manipulators at the White House and Downing Street will make sure of that. Away from the G for Gordon summit, the Supreme Leader face piles of trials with smiles. 

Amid all the hype and unprecedented security, little things out of sight are not out of mind. 

Obama is living up to his handle as the boring teleprompter president and he didn't disappoint but in the US it's his meeting with the Russian president which dominated the media.

That mini US-Russian summit between Obama and Medvedev, could mark the beginning of a thaw in relationships and that is highly significant. 

But all that happened behind the closely guarded walls of the US embassy and, apart from a stock press pic, well out of sight. 

The Times splashed with the meeting because it is so significant. (The Times did the same when King met the Queen - another highly significant event). Mike Smithson over at politicalbetting too has picked up on it. 

But the US-Russian meeting happened as an aside to Brown's G20 and it is not to Downing Street's advantage to push it. 

The Orange Party flagged up the hope for a much needed breakthrough in a G20 pre-piece yesterday and it may well prove to be a godsend.  

Meanwhile, as the G20 leaders meet for four and a half hours in fortress Docklands, a little piece of good news and green shoots is needed to brighten up the day. The spinners didn't disappoint. 

That came in a shocking piece of recovery 'news' with a "surprise rise in house prices", based on a piddling little spurious survey from the Nationwide which is set to gobble up Brown's Building society.

That Housepriceballs is reported with glee by the BBC. No surprise there. But under normal circumstances it wouldn't be given house room elsewhere. 

In a miraculous piece of media engineering, the spun 'good news' to help the medicine go down, hit the international wires, picked up and reported globally by Bloomberg and Reuters. Some good news from dear old Blighty for the leaders to chew over at breakfast. 

Buried in the 'good' news: "The Nationwide warned against concluding the market had turned."

So not much of a story, then?

Top prize for the biggest gaff of Brown's Best Bits goes to the deluded prime minister throwing caution to the wind and getting all carried away, proclaiming: "We are within a few hours of agreeing a global plan for economic recovery and reform". 

That was yesterday afternoon and the Orange Party is still waiting. 

Meanwhile Sarko and Merkel were staging their alternative show down the road, showing up an almighty split between US and Europe. Many at Westminster share their views. But part two's instalment today may be a kiss and make-up for the cameras? 

Love-struck Brown made a complete fool of himself drooling over the Chosen One. 

But it was the split second when Obama told the Queen he'd had breakfast with Brown that took the tea and biscuit. Her face was a picture - you could almost taste the displeasure. 

Mandleson is on top form in spinning overdrive but back in the real world, Smith, Myners, the Royal Mail sell-off and the rotten state of the economy are not dead. They are just resting. 

Both Cameron and Clegg can see that a mile off. Brown is so wrapped up in his own ego, it's beginning to hurt. 

UPDATE 5pm: As expected, after all the big talk G20 ended - in a "giant con". There was no big deal about Brown's New Deal. The $1 trillion is not the 'fiscal stimulus' Brown had been banging on about for months. It's funding for his pals at the IMF and World Bank, so cash-strapped countries can borrow from it and get deeper in debt.  

1 comment:

Oldrightie said...

Nick Robinson did a Dan Hannan. Nowhere to be heard or seen!