Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Punch Beats Up Judy at PMQs

Pitching a fumbling fool against one of the country's finest public speakers, could only end in disaster. The results were plain to see in the commons during today's prime minister's questions, which had neither a prime minister or any answers to questions. 

Instead it showed up the complacency of New Labour which could only answer questions by harking back to a previous Conservative record over a decade ago! Has anyone told them that was then, this is now?

It was knockabout 'Punch and Judy' politics, as New Labour wannabe prime minister, Harriet Harman, standing in for Brown, could only read from a prepared script, while William Hague, standing in for Cameron, delivered a master-class in political oratory.

Harman tried it on with a childish 'Headcases' jibe on Hague's boyish 18 pint-a-day(sic) beer-drinking habit. 

Easy. "At least I didn't waste any", retorted Hague.

Even the LibDems, Vincent Cable, managed to get in a neat dig about Brown wanting to be "Britain's weight-watcher in chief".

But that was just for starters. Hague followed up with a killer blow to Harman and Brown. 

"Isn't there something supremely ironic about being lectured about food waste by a prime minister who is passed his own sell-by date?" he asked.

"Isn't it yet another example of treating people like fools, of preaching prudence but practising profligacy, and waste - isn't this why the whole country is sick of the prime minister?"

Hague was brutal. "If she wants to be prime minister she should start acting like one," he said.

And from that performance, she certainly failed the test.

BBC 'News' On-line predictably towed the Harman line with a headline that Brown has "true grit". But wasn't John Wayne's real name Marion?

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